Solitude as an Anthropological Problem

Solitude as an Anthropological Problem

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Dr. Andriy Dahnyi

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

17.12.2010, 17:00

Center for Urban History, Lviv

Within the framework of the academic-socio-artistic program "Solitude-Presence" a lecture took place by Dr. Andriy Dahnyi about the phenomenon of solitude and philosophical perspectives.

Each one of us knows the feeling of solitude: How should it be accepted? It is something that is not desired, harmful and even destructive, or something that is useful and necessary? And possibly, is what we need simply solitude?

As Emanuel Kant wrote, a person has the disposition to speak with themselves in similar ways, although also present at the same time is a strong aspiration for seclusion. In order for the desired solitude not to grow into an undesirable solitude, a person needs to decide (although this is difficult to do in our self-centered contemporary era) to give themselves to other people.

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Dr. Andriy Dahnyi

is a historian of philosophy and translator, a senior lecturer at the History of Philosophy Department at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, where he teaches the courses “History of Philosophy of the 19th and 20th Centuries,” “Philosophy of Romanticism,” “Philosophy of Soren Kierkegaard,” and “Philosophy of Martin Heidegger.” A former participant in the “Translator’s Workshop,” Dr. Dahnyi translated into Ukrainian the works of Kierkegaard, Heidegger and Jurgen Habermas and edited numerous other interpretations of significant German philosophical works. A lecturer of philosophy at the Center for Experimental Master’s Programs in culturology, sociology and anthropology at the Institute for Ecumenical Studies at the Ukrainian Catholic University, Dr. Dahnyi conducts numerous multidisciplinary events and is distinguished by a strong culturological essayist style along with academic publications.


Сover Image: September sun by Dwight Davis circa 1910. Shows a woman sitting on a porch /  Library of Congress