Seeing in Colour

Seeing in Colour

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October 17-24, 2010

Exhibition Hall, Center for Urban History

The British Council in Ukraine and Center for Urban History, Lviv invited all who were interested in a vivid journey through a spectrum of colours and shades within the framework of a graphics exhibition from the British Council's collection, "Seeing in Color."

The exhibit of graphics "Seeing in Color" presented works by 23 contemporary British artists, including Damien Hurst, Eduardo Paolozzi and Patrick Caulfield.

The works not only forced to you think in lemon or a coquettish orange, but also helped examine the history of colour in art and daily life. You could see how, since ancient times, artists extracted colours from the ground, rocks, blood, flowers, plants, tree roots and metals. You could learn how humanity interacts and describes itself through colour, how colour can be not only a pigment for paint, but can also reflect cultural peculiarities and world-views.

Along with the multi-coloured exhibition, there was time for a rich discussion. Young Ukrainian artists and critics of contemporary art compared their visions of colour with Emi Pettifier, a British artist who received her master’s degree at Goldsmiths College, one of the most renowned art schools in London, and who has worked with many young known artists in the British capital.

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