Words From Galician Worlds: on Our Own and the Borrowed, on the Old and the Modern...
Natalia Khobzey
Ivan Krypyakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies11.10.2016
Kharkiv, Studio 42 Konstytutsii sq,. 1 entrance 7, floor 2
Typical characteristics of Galician linguistic environment are deeply rooted in old times. Even though Galicia used to belong to the Habsburg Empire, local Ruthenians-Ukrainians were trying to contribute to the shaping of the literary language under different circumstances. They tried to use it in many areas of their activities, such as in everyday life, in literary works, in research pursuits, while developing their own attitudes to shaping a system of a language as a whole. The lecture talked about lexical peculiarities of Galician way of speaking, about dialect vocabulary and its derivation, as well as about urban speak, such as the speak of Lviv citizens of "old days" and the present day.

Natalia Khobzey
is a linguist, chair of the Ukrainian Language Department at the Ivan Krypyakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies. Some of her numerous research works include “Hutsul Mythology”; she is co-author of “Lviv Dictionary: In Earnest and In Joke” (Grand Prix of the Publishers Forum 2009), and ‘Hutsul Worlds. Dictionary”.
Lecture was held as a part of the lecture and discussion program of the cultural forum "PogranKult: GaliciaKult" and supported by the International Renaissance Foundation.