Economic and Socio-Cultural aspects of Trade Relations between the Ukrainian City and Village in the Second Half of the Nineteenth and beginning of the Twentieth Centuries (According to Materials from the Kharkiv Province)

Economic and Socio-Cultural aspects of Trade Relations between the Ukrainian City and Village in the Second Half of the Nineteenth and beginning of the Twentieth Centuries (According to Materials from the Kharkiv Province)

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Antonina Skydanova

Karazin Kharkiv National University

April, 22 2010 / 4.30 pm

Center for Urban History, Lviv

The presentation took place of a research project by Center grantee Antonina Skydanova. During the presentation, the questions related to ascertaining the place and role of trade in forming ties between the city and village in time after reforms were looked at. The goal of the project was to research trade as a mechanism that guaranteed the realization of economic ties between the city and village, and as spheres on a plane which implemented the economic and consumer needs of the population and where cultural influences occurred, as well as communication between the village and city populations.

The research allows imagining in-depth the specifics of the city and village spaces in the Ukrainian lands that were part of Russian empire in the second half of the nineteenth century and beginning of the twentieth centuries and the economic and socio-cultural transformations that occurred at the time.

The following questions were proposed during the discussion:

  • Trade as a factor in communication between the city and village;
  • The place of trade relations in the communication between the city and village populations;
  • Trade as a source of influence on the material life of villagers.
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Antonina Skydanova

is a lecturer of the Center of Preparatory Education at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University and recently defended her doctorate dissertation that was dedicated to investigating the development of fixed commerce in the Kharkiv province in the second half of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries. Her sphere of academic interests includes economic history.


Сover Image: Guide for tourists and excursionists. Third edition. 1915 Kharkiv