
Remaking "Kresy" into "Western Ukraine": Soviet Incorporation, Social Imagination, and Comparative Frameworks at the Shop Floor (1944-1955)

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Dr. Iryna Sklokina

Center for Urban History

18.2.2025, 15:00

Library of Center for Urban History

The case of the Vynnyky tobacco factory in the postwar decade helps to study on the microlevel the processes of violent population relocation and voluntary migrations, proclaimed promotion of the locals and females as a part of socialist transformation, the attraction of the workforce into expanding industry and changing system of the social benefits. Focusing on individual strategies which included comparisons both across time (between pre-Soviet and Soviet) and space (between Vynnyky and previous places of living) and respective claims for social support reveals how individual agency unfolded in close relation with official propaganda and group loyalties.  

The Urban Seminar will be devoted to the paper by Iryna Sklokina, which is focused on the incorporation of the former Polish territories into Soviet Ukraine from a social point of view. 

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Dr. Iryna Sklokina

Center for Urban History

Researcher at the Center for Urban History, PhD in History, co-author of the book “Labor, Exhaustion, and Success: Industrial Monotowns of Donbas” (2018). Research interests: Soviet and post-Soviet memory politics, industrial heritage, museum studies, oral history.

This Seminar will be held in a workshop format. Researchers are invited to discuss scholarly projects, research at various stages of development, and completed research that is being prepared for publication.

Participation in the Urban Seminar requires preliminary reading and discussion of the researcher's text. If you would like to join the Seminar, please email Maryana Mazurak ([email protected]), and we will send you the materials in advance.