Historian, Ph.D. (2014). Dissertation about the official Soviet policy of memory of the Nazi occupation of Ukraine, using the example of Kharkiv. Graduated from V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (major in history of Ukraine). Holds a master’s degree in History (2008). Worked at Kharkiv National University and the Kovalsky Eastern Institute of Ukrainian Studies (Kharkiv). A member of the Kharkiv Historical and Philological Society. Participant of several international projects about historical memory and oral history, including "Region, Nation and Beyond: An Interdisciplinary and Transcultural Reconceptualization of Ukraine" (research sub-topic "Political Death Cult of the Fallen Soldiers in Ukraine in the Past 20 years "), "OpenHeritage (Organizing, Promoting and Enabling Heritage Re-Use Through Inclusion, Technology, Access, Governance and Empowerment)" and "Un/Archiving Post/Industry: Engaging Heritage and Developing Cultural Infrastructures". She co-authored and co-edited a book “Labor, Exhaustion, and Success: Company Towns of Donbas” (2018, with
Volodymyr Kulikov) and special issue of “Region” journal “Donbas Imaginaries: Heritage, Culture, Communities” (2021, with Victoria Donovan).
Iryna Sklokina had several international internships and scholarships: at the University of Toronto (Centre for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, 2013), a scholarship of the Ukrainian-German Historical Commission (2017); fellowship at St. Andrews University, UK, supported by the Global Challenges Research Fund grant (2019); a fellowship at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna (2020-2021); fellowship at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (Regensburg, 2023).
From 2022, Iryna is a postdoc researcher affiliated with the SOCIOBORD project (Social Politics in European Borderlands. A Comparative and Transnational Study, 1870s-1990s). Her research is related to social provision for working-class women in the Galician (Polish-Ukrainian) borderland.
Among Iryna’s research interests: Soviet and post-Soviet politics of memory, historical heritage, museum studies, and oral history. At the Center for Urban History, Iryna Sklokina focuses on historical heritage, in particular industrial and Soviet heritage in Donbas and Lviv.
Selected publications:
Books (co-editor, co-author):
- Guido Haussman and Iryna Sklokina (eds.), Political Cult of the Dead in Ukraine. Traditions and Dimensions from the First World War till Today, Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2021. 302 p.
- Праця, виснаження та успіх: промислові мономіста Донбасу [Labor, Exhaustion, and Success: Company Towns of the Donbas] / М. Ільченко та ін.; за ред. В. Кулікова та І. Склокіної. Львів, 2018. 244 с.
- Політика і пам’ять: Дніпро – Запоріжжя – Одеса – Харків від 1990-х до сьогодні [Politics and Memory: Dnipro – Zaporizhzhia – Odesa – Kharkiv from 1990s till Today]/ О. Гайдай та ін.; за ред. Г. Касьянова. Львів, 2018. 240 с.
Co-edited special issue:
- Region: Regional Studies of Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia. Special
issue: Donbas Imaginaries: Heritage, Culture, Communities, ed. by Victoria Donovan and Iryna Sklokina. 10 (1) 2021, https://muse.jhu.edu/journal/585
- Iryna Sklokina, Commemorating the Glorious Past, Dreaming of the Happy Future: WWII Burial Sites and Monuments as Public Places in Post-War Ukraine, in: Political Cult of the Dead in Ukraine. Traditions and Dimensions from the First World War till Today, Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2021, pp. 69-96.
- Iryna Sklokina, International Tourism and the Making of the National Heritage Canon in Late Soviet Ukraine, 1964-1991, in: Heritage Under Socialism. Preservation in Eastern and Central Europe, ed. by Eszter Gantner, Corinne Geering, and Paul Vickers. NY, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2021, pp. 78-104.
- Iryna Sklokina and Volodymyr Kulikov, Industrial Heritage and Its Multiple Uses in Donbas, Ukraine, in: Region 10 (1) 2021, pp. 33-60.
- Iryna Sklokina, Dominika Brodowicz, Katarzyna Sadowy, "(Post)przemysłowe dzielnice Warszawy i Lwowa:rola pamięci i dziedzictwa dla biznesu i przemysłu kreatywnego," in: Kultury historyczne Polski i Ukrainy. O źródłach nieporozumienia między sąsiadami, ed. by Tomasz Stryjek and Volodymyr Sklokin. Warszawa: Instytut Studiów Politycznych PAN; Scholar, 2021, pp. 512-548.
- Trials of Nazi Collaborators in the context of Soviet Propaganda. Nationality Policy and the Cold War (1960-the 80s), in: Peter Black/Béla Rásky/Marianne Windsperger (ed.), Collaboration in Eastern Europe during the Second World War and the Holocaust. Vienna, 2019 (=Beiträge zur Holocaustforschung des Wiener Wiesenthal Instituts für Holocaust-Studien (VWI), Band 7), pp. 67-86
- Otrishchenko, Natalya, and Iryna Sklokina et al. (2019). Slavutych: Urban Practices, Memories and Imagination. Research Report of the Studio at the summer school "the Idea of the city: Reality Check", in: Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropaforschung 3 (68):477-499
- André Liebich, Oksana Myshlovska, and Viktoriia Sereda, with Oleksandra Gaidai and Iryna Sklokina. Ukrainian Past and Present: Legacies, Memory, and Attitudes, in: Schmid U., Myshlovska O., Scheide C. (eds), Regionalism without Regions: Reconceptualizing Ukraine’s Heterogeneity. Budapest: CEU Press, 2019
- Хто отримує вигоду від спадщини? Кілька головних ідей Форуму поінформованих міст у Варшаві [Who Profits from Heritage, review of the Informed Cities Forum 2019 in Warsaw], (13 December, 2019)
- Commemorating the Glorious Past, Dreaming of the Happy Future. WWII Burial Places and Monuments as Public Places in the Postwar Ukraine, in: The Political Cult of the Dead in Ukraine. Traditions and Dimensions from Soviet Times to Today / Ed. by Guido Hausmann. V & R Unipress Göttingen (to be published in 2020)
- Travelling in Soviet Ukraine: The Making of the National Memory Canon Through Heritage Tourism Practices, in: Heritage and Socialism: Transnational Perspectives on Preservation in Eastern and Central Europe, 1945-1991 / Ed. by Eszter Gantner, Corinne Geering, and Paul Vickers.
- Вшанування Небесної сотні та загиблих в АТО на сході та півдні України [Commemoration of the Heavenly Hundred and Fallen ATO Soldiers in the East and South of Ukraine], http://www.historians.in.ua/index.php/en/istoriya-i-pamyat-vazhki-pitannya/2545-irina-sklokina-vshanuvannya-nebesnoji-sotni-ta-zagiblikh-v-ato-na-skhodi-ta-pivdni-ukrajini?fbclid=iwar28fs-a4qaewbyp4vai4sopct-0dn5cf1gf8bqdm_-q2fsnj2szni7clna
- Veterans of the Soviet War in Afghanistan and the Ukrainian Nation-Building Project: from Perestroika to the Maidan and the War in the Donbas, in Journal of Soviet and Postsoviet Politics and Society, 2015: Double Special issue "Coming Back from Afghanistan: The Experiences of the Soviet Afghanistan Veterans" & "Martyrdom and Memory in Eastern Europe", Vol. 1, Number 2. Pp. 133-167
- The Politics of Remembering the Nazi Occupation in Soviet Museums. The Case of the Kharkiv Historical Museum (1943-1985), in: Ekaterina Makhotina, Ekaterina Keding, Włodzimierz Borodziej, Etienne François, Martin Schulze Wessel (Hg.) Krieg im Museum. Präsentationen des Zweiten Weltkriegs in Museen und Gedenkstätten des östlichen Europa. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2015. Pp. 131-155.