Around the Space of Synagogues: walks along the common heritage of Lviv

Around the Space of Synagogues: walks along the common heritage of Lviv

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4.11.2020, 15:00

Staroievreiska St, 37

Welcome to an introductory story-tour, a part of the project "Around the Space of Synagogues: walks along the common heritage of Lviv" guided by Olena Andronatiy.

The project was implemented within an initiative by the Center for Urban History winning the competition of social and cultural projects run by Lviv City Council. It is an attempt to actualize shared heritage in Lviv through research and publication of a guidebook, through the development of a tourist itinerary and an education program. The guidebook was developed not around objects, but rather around topics localized in time and space. Every quote in the guidebook is not only about the Jewish community of the city, but also includes individual experiences into broader contexts of the city and time. It offers more opportunities to narrate about the past and engage different contexts and stories, thus including them into Lviv’s contested history created by many communities throughout centuries. The guidebook’s focus on individual stories is an attempt to talk about shared heritage in a more sensitive way, to take a different look at the city’s past, and to take a critical approach to the topics such as community, belonging, inclusion/exclusion, multiethnicity, and diversity.

Read more on the page of Lviv Interactive (in Ukrainian).

Supported by Lviv City Council.

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