The Young Age

The Young Age

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April - August 2017 

Living-Room Café and the conference room, Center for Urban History

The exhibition is dedicated to retrospective of young people from 10's to 90's of XX century.

Two young ladies with cigarettes wearing slightly rolled over men’s pants are posing for a photo against a wall, with their hands in pockets. They flirt with the image that might be either their own, or the one near to them, or may be even odd. You can’t tell whether it’s serious or in jest.

After several years, young people will look differently again. It is something typical of the 20th century – speed, social transformations and conflicts, new different intense experiences implying perception of the young age as a protest and the chance for a change.

The exhibition is a selection of photographs from different decades of the 20th century showing how the attributes of the young age are changing. On the other hand, each photo renders similarity of intense and bright experiences.
What about your perception of the young age?

The exhibition used some digitized materials of the Urban Media Archive of the Center for Urban History from the collections of Volodymyr RumiantsevLesya Krypyakevych (courtesy of the archive of Stepan Hayduchok), Maryna Kursanova, Andriy Boyarov (the work by Hruhoriy Porytskyi, the Greg), Nataliya Filevych, Lubomyr Petrenko, Mykhaylo Frantsuzov, Roman VusBorys Yasynovskyi.

Material selection: Oleksandr Makhanets, assistant of "Urban Media Archive."


Cover Image: Urban Media Archive Collection

Gallery Image by Center for Urban History