Rediscovering the Possibilities of Visual Language in the Face of a Shortage of Words
25.9.2024, 15:00
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We are pleased to invite you to an urban seminar of the field research team of the project "Those Who Remained: Testimonies of Kharkiv Region Residents", which will present the results of the second round of recordings and photographs.
The proposed topic of the seminar is aimed at discussing an important part of the testimonies' collection project -- photography. During the seminar, the researchers will consider visual changes in the city's space, photography as evidence and recording of traces of war, the “guilt” of the photographer and the responsibility of the researcher who introduces the photo into scientific circulation, as well as the healing potential of the photo project.
The team looks forward to a fruitful discussion that will help further develop this part of the project.

Olha Chystotina
She defended her PhD thesis in philosophy on the eve of the full-scale invasion. In 2022, she quit teaching at the university and focused on photography, which became not only a hobby but also a way of living the experience of war.

Yaroslav Shkabura
Historian, lecturer at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv University, participant in projects related to public history and research on the Kharkiv Euromaidan.

Viktoriia Nesterenko
Historian and public activist, lecturer at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. She began her work in the field of oral history by collecting interviews for the Museum of War Childhood.
Cover Image: A house that was destroyed by a Russian missile, photo from the archive of Olha Chystotina.