Iryna Piatnytskova
Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University
- Research topic:
- Vasyl Nahirnyi in Creating the Space of Modern Lviv / Documenting War Experiences
- Period:
- June - December 2022
Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University
Historian, Candidate of History. She graduated from Donetsk National University majoring in history (2007). She defended her Candidate thesis on the role of the cooperative movement in the life of people in the South of Ukraine in the late 19th – early 20th centuries. She works at Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University. The research focus is on the social history of Ukraine in the second half of the 19th to the early 20th century, urban studies. Participant in an international project "Practices of Self-Representation in Multinational Cities." Co-author of a collective monograph "In Search for the City’s Face: Self-representation Practices for Cities in Ukraine in Industrial and Post-Industrial Age" (Kharkiv, 2021).
Resident at the Center for Urban History of East Central Europe focusing on the topic "Vasyl Nahirnyi in Creating the Space of Modern Lviv".
Also, she received a fellowship supported by the Körber-Stiftung (Hamburg) and the Center for Contemporary History in Hamburg. As a part of this fellowship, she participates in an international project "24.02.22, 5:00: Testimonies of War."