The Urban Institute

The Urban Institute

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December 1-10, 2009

Center for Urban History, Lviv

Urban Institute and the Lviv City Council were conducting presentations of strategies (concepts and programs) of Lviv development – the first stage of "The Joint Strategy of Competitiveness of Lviv" Campaign.
The campaign titled "The Joint Strategy of Competitiveness of Lviv" consists of three stages as follows:

І stage – Presentation of strategies, programs and concepts.
ІІ stage – Development of the Joint strategy of competitiveness of Lviv.
ІІІ stage – Implementation of the Joint strategy.

During the last 18 years, over 115 strategies, programs and concepts have been developed in Lviv, though none of them was completely implemented.  The Urban Institute and the Lviv City Council are integrating all the efforts of the authorities, business circles, local inhabitants and politicians to combine ideas and achievements of the previous concepts, programs and strategies to develop and implement "The Joint Strategy of Competitiveness of Lviv."

The presentations included the following topics: energy effectiveness and ecology (location: the Lviv City Council); general strategies, education, transport, Euro-2012, tourism, culture, social and economic strategies, health protection, municipal economy and infrastructure (location: the Center for Urban History of East Central Europe).

To obtain additional information, please contact Iryna Patronyk at: 254 60 82,