East-Central Europe during the Great War – new approaches and fields of research

East-Central Europe during the Great War – new approaches and fields of research

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Dr hab. Katarzyna Sierakowska

Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences

June 24, 2016

Center for Urban History, Lviv

The lecturer investigated the meaning of the category of everyday life in the context of East- Central Europe – especially former Polish Land, and wider lands under occupation. Food shortages, organization of provisioning and activity of charity societies, the social cooperation were stressed. During the lecture possibilities of gender perspective in the Great War researches were presented. Katarzyna concentrated on the problem of home front, wartime violence and the definition of heroism which strictly applies the social/cultural meaning of masculinity and femininity. The fear as an emotion which construct the attitudes of people during the wartime will also be explored. The researcher was interesting if emotions are gendered mixed and how and if exiles changed the social relationships? What was the impact of exile on the refugees and their life after the war?

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Dr hab. Katarzyna Sierakowska

coworker of the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences and a member of the Commission of Women`s History of PAS and Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne . She teaches the students gender history, history of Warsaw during the I and II World Wars. An author of books: “Rodzice, dzieci, dziadkowie… Wielkomiejska rodzina inteligencka w Polsce 1918-1939 (Parents, children and grandparents. The great cities intelligentsia families in Poland 1918-1939), “Śmierć – wygnanie- głód w dokumentach osobistych. Ziemie polskie w latach Wielkiej Wojny 1914-1918 ( Death- Exile – Starvation in Personal Dokuments. Polish Lands during the Great War 1914-1918) and many articles about women`s history and experiences of the Great War.

The lecture was a part of an international workshop "Urban Experiences of the Great War in Eastern Europe".