Expecting (from) Architecture: Modernist Projects in Czechoslovakia, 1918-1939

Expecting (from) Architecture: Modernist Projects in Czechoslovakia, 1918-1939

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Vladimir Shlapeta

Brno Technical University

February 15, 2018 / 6.30 pm

Center for Urban History, Lviv

New founded state - just one hundred years ago -with advanced technology after the WWI ,  became in early twentieth one of leading countries of functionalist architecture. Inspired by Cubism, Bauhaus, Soviet Constructivism, Dutch De Stijl movement and Le Corbusier, Czech architects produced buildings that demonstrate modern and liberal spirit of democratic Czechoslovakia. Avant-guard activities in Prague and Brno as well as industrial city planning in Zlín contributed profoundly to the development of  functionalism in Europe.

The lecture was moderated by Lina Degtiaryova. Lina researches the architecture of modernism, particularly in Uzhgorod.

The lecture was in English, with simultaneous interpretation provided.

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Vladimir Shlapeta

is a Czech architect, architecture historian, professor. After his graduation from the Czech Technical University in Prague (ČVUT) in 1972, he started working as an architect in Ostrava. In 1973-1991, he was chief of department for architecture at National Technical Museum in Prague. In 1991-1997 and in 2003-2006, he was dean of the Architecture Faculty at Czech Technical University. In 2006-2010, he was dean of the Architecture Faculty at Brno Technical University (VUT), his home faculty until present. He was a guest lecturer in Berlin Technical University, Vienna Technical University, Ljubljana University. He is an honorable member of American Institute of Architects (AIA), German Association of Architects (BDA), Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). He is author of many publications on 20th century architecture, contemporary architecture, and urban studies.

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