Dr. Anna Jakimyszyn-Gadocha
Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
- Research topic:
- Health Care for the Jewish Citizens of Lviv in the Interwar Period
- Period:
- June and October 2017
Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
Anna Jakimyszyn-Gadocha lectures at the Institute of Jewish Studies of Jagellonian University. She teaches courses in Jewish history, ethnography, history of Jewish books, and Yiddish. Scholarly research focuses on these topics, and mostly on the history of Krakow and Lviv Jews. Anna is the author of two monographs "Jews of Krakow in Times of Krakow Polish Republic. Legal Status. Transformation of Community. Educational System" (Żydzi krakowscy w dobie Rzeczypospolitej Krakowskiej. Status prawny. Przeobrażenia gminy. System edukacyjny), Austeria, Krakow – Budapest, 2008, "Mikvah. History of Jewish Ritual Bath at vul. Shyroka in Krakow" (Mykwa. Dzieje żydowskiej łaźni rytualnej przy ul. Szerokiej w Krakowie), (Krakow – Budapest, 2012), and numerous scholarly articles. She translated and worked on "The 1595 Statute of Krakow Jewish Community and the Appendixes" (Statut krakowskiej gminy żydowskiej z roku 1595 i jego uzupełnienia). The translation was done on the basis of the document rewritten by Mayer Balaban. Introduction, translation and editorship by Anna Jakimyszyn, Księgarnia Akademicka, Krakow, 2005. She is the author of "Yiddish-English-Polish Dictionary" (Słownik jidysz-angielsko-polski) (Krakow, 2016). Anna Jakimyszyn-Gadocha is a member of Polish Society of Jewish Studies, Committee of History and Culture of Jews of the Polish Academy of Arts, Society of Amateurs of History and Heritage of Krakow.
The researcher graduated from the Faculty of History. She was awarded her doctoral degree there in 2007. Anna Jakimyszyn-Gadocha was also awarded a scholarship of the Lanckoronski Foundation and Rothschild Foundation Europe. In 2012-2016, she was the acting deputy director at the Institute of Jewish Studies at Jagellonian University for student affairs.
While in Lviv, she finalized her work on the monograph text on hygiene and health of Jewish citizens of Lviv. The objective is to show the forms of care, the group who received it and the characteristics of Jewish institutions of social care and medical care in the interwar period.