Beata Szymków
Stanford University, USA
- Research topic:
- Power in Transition, Nations in Transition. Poles, Ukrainians, Jews, and State-Building in a Central European City, 1918 – 1939
- Period:
- May 2018
Stanford University, USA
During her time in Lviv Beata will be working on her dissertation in the archives of Lviv. The working title of the dissertation is "Power in Transition, Nations in Transition. Ukrainians, Jews, and the Polish Administration of Lwów, 1918-1939".
Beata is a doctoral student at the Department of History of Stanford University, where she has also taught courses on European history, among other subjects and, most recently, on the experience of war in twentieth-century Europe.
Beata holds an undergraduate degree and a Master’s degree from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. Her Master’s thesis concerned the dynamic of power in Lower Silesia in the transitional period between the end of the Second World War and the Polish takeover of the formerly German province. She also studied Jewish Studies at Wrocław University and Hochschule für Jüdische Studien in Heidelberg, Germany.
In her work on Lviv, Beata concentrates on the changing set of relationships between the authorities of the newly emerged Polish Republic and the two ethnic/national groups that constituted the biggest minorities in the new state. The rules of engagement between the representatives of the state and individuals and institutions of the minorities were constantly contested and negotiated. This work will be a microhistory of interwar Lwów in the Polish Republic.