Lviv and its Inhabitants

Lviv and its Inhabitants

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September 10-28, 2008

Lviv History Museum, Center for Urban History

The photo exhibition was displayed to celebrate the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the first photograph of Lviv. In 1841 the Winiarz and Wild bookshop on Rynok Square 2 exhibited one of the first daguerreotypes (a proto-form of photography) showing Lviv.

The "Shtuka" Art and Creativity Group presented an exhibition illustrating different epochs of Lviv’s life and its inhabitants.

Old photographs are bridges connecting history and architecture. They convey intimations of the past, demonstrate different aspects of urban life and present the image of a by-gone and often idealized Lviv that many seek to rediscover when visiting our city.

In the Center for Urban History of East-Central Europe, the exhibition featured rare images of Lviv from the 1860’s through the 1990’s, as well as portrait photos of its inhabitants and panorama views of Lviv dating to 1861-1975.

Organizers: NGO "Shtuka" Arts and Creativity Group in partnership with the Center for Urban History of East-Central Europe and the Lviv History Museum

Exhibition Curator:Iryna Kotlobulatova

The exhibition was organized and displayed with the support of the Lviv City Council

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