"Imperial Turn" or Returning to Empire in Contemporary Russian Historiography

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Andriy Portnov

"Ukraina Moderna"

March 19, 2009

Library, Center for Urban History

Andriy Portnov spoke about his forthcoming book on the subject '"Imperial Turn" or Returning to Empire in Contemporary Russian Historiography." In particular, Andriy Portnov addressed the following topics: Russian studies of Ukraine as a phenomenon of the post-Soviet period; the "New Imperial History" or the "New History of Empire"; the "Good Empire": from Sergei Schogolev to Alexei Miller; Putin’s Russia: dilemmas of nation and empire.

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Andriy Portnov

is a historian (Candidate of Science in history) and a specialist in the intellectual history of Eastern Europe in the nineteenth-twentieth centuries. He has studied history in Dnipropetrovsk, Warsaw, and Lviv. Since 2007 he has been the chief editor of the journal “Ukraina Moderna,” turning under his direction into one of the best publications in the field and probably the most innovative in Ukraine. He is also the author of over 100 scholarly publications in such periodicals as “Krytyka,” “AbImperio,” “Osteuropa,” “Belaruski Gistarychny Agliad” and “Otechestvennie zapiski.” He is currently writing books on the history of Ukrainian historiography in the twentieth century and on the politics of memory in post-Soviet Ukraine.


Сover Image: Nicholas II in the imperial train. 1917