Public, Popular, or Applied History: Practices and Roles of the Past in Society

Public, Popular, or Applied History: Practices and Roles of the Past in Society

  • Course Duration:
    Autumn 2014
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By whom, for whom, and why is history written? What are the ways of engaging with the past? Academic history, though the most noble, is not the only format for building relationships with the past. This year, the Faculty of Humanities at the Ukrainian Catholic University launched a new master’s program - in public history. We are very pleased to be partners in this project.

As part of this program, Dr. Sofia Dyak will teach a course. The main objective of the course is to analyze the different roles and practices associated with the past in society. The focus will be on the "public history" format, which is not only a way to popularize history and the past in modern societies, but also a forum for public involvement and a general critical discussion of the role and use of history in the present and the future. By discussing examples from different societies, countries, and periods, course participants will look at the opportunities and challenges for public history in Ukraine as well as what it means "to be a historian" in different societies.